Edmont Construction win Best Commercial category at 2018 LABC Awards!
Edmont Construction win the Best Commercial category at the LABC Awards – for the second year running!
Edmont Construction beat competition from a number of other local contractors to scoop the top spot once again in the Best Commercial Category at this year’s LABC (Local Authority Building Control) Awards. The award was for work carried out on behalf of Arkell’s Brewery at the True Heart / Royal Oak pubs at Bishopstone in Wiltshire.
Extensive refurbishment and re-building works at the True Heart / Royak Oak pubs helped to transform the abandoned and derelict building into one of Wiltshire’s top hotel and restaurant destinations. Edmont undertook the refurbishment of the existing pub into hotel rooms, as well as carrying out substantial rebuilding works to the annexe buildings, to turn them into hotel rooms too – with a total 12 bedrooms and staff accommodation. We also refurbished the top area of the bar to increase capacity, as well as creating an attractive external decking area and created disabled access throughout.
Winning the award is a real achievement – as rather than companies putting themselves forward, the judges at the LABC choose the project they deem best from their visits to site. This is based on how the job is run, health and safety, and many other elements.
The award win is a huge credit to all of the team from Edmont involved in the project. Well done to the team, and here’s to next year!